Triathlon One – The Results Are In!

Last Saturday,  May 18, marked the first triathlon of the year.  I wish I could say the weather was perfect, but in Minnesota we have few opportunities to say such a thing.  Instead, it was pouring rain, lightning, cold (about 55 degrees) and very windy.  The race was delayed for about an hour as the officials debated whether or not to call the whole thing off.  Ultimately, they made the dubious decision to permit a large group of amateur athletes swim 0.3 miles in 59 degree water, ride tri bikes (which we all know to be unstable death traps) for 16.7 miles on slick, rain-soaked streets and run 3.5 miles in a torrential downpour.  Well, at least the lightening stopped before the gun went off (or was that just more thunder?!). 

The Good News:

1. At his first triathlon of the season (the Blaine Triathlon), Sam was first in his age group (Male 35-39) and fifth overall.  Here are his official results:


2. Sam’s close friend and Ironman training buddy came in a close second in the same age group, giving the two happy triathletes their first shared victory.

3. I participated in the triathlon as a part of a relay (in which I was the runner) and set a PR for my pace (9:37).  Still slow compared to those who took home plaques, but a victory for me.

The Bad News

1. Race officials, tired from spending hours in the rain and making hard decisions (or perhaps just too cold to be outside any longer), decided to cancel the awards ceremony.  As a result, Sam was robbed of his chance to accept a plaque and celebrate his victory and I was robbed of the chance to include his podium finish in our annual Christmas card collage.

2. Sam is injured.  Again.  This time we think a strained achilles tendon caused him to favor one leg, which led to a strained IT band.  This means that over the course of the two years that Sam has been competing he has suffered from: severe shin splints, a strained achilles tendon, a strained IT band, a blood clot requiring surgery, and many other aches and pains (not to mention chafing in places too numerous (and private) to mention).  I helpfully pointed out that the only other injuries he has yet to face are plantar fasciitis, swimmer’s shoulder and runner’s knee.  He was not amused.

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