Why I Hate the Off Season

Snow Cat

Snow Cat (Photo credit: clickclique)

Anybody who has a significant other who competes in triathlons or other endurance sports understands what it is like to be left home alone on weekends and evenings while that significant other is training.  It is a lonely time where one is left to wallow in one’s own neglect and to justify copious amounts of wine.  Or maybe that’s just me. 

I truly believed the off season would be better than the race season.  After all, there is no way Sam could spend more time training . . . right?

Instead, I learned that the amount of training doesn’t matter as much as the amount of daylight in which one has to train.  Because Minnesota winters are cold and nasty, athletes are forced to find indoor ways to maintain their cycling speeds, running form and buoyancy.

Sam was delighted (and I was heartbroken) to find a “convenient” spin class that meets Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.  So, as I was arriving home from a hard day of work, Sam was often running out the door.  Sure, I caught up on episodes of Revenge and New Girl, but I did it alone.  It left me longing for the race season, when Sam is able to do most of his training outdoors before I get home. 

So, even though our summer promises to be booked with racing events, training exercises and squabbles over how to spend what little free time we actually have together, I’m looking forward to leaving the short, dark, cold days of the off-season behind us.

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